
Let’s Go Goping



Pollution caused by cigarette butts is a huge problem for the environment and literally toxic. But through the need to find a way to stop ecological harm, the need for a major change is also born.

As part of the vision for a positive change, Polygreen launched in June 2020, the GOPING project, a new dynamic collection and recycling platform for cigarettes and butts, aiming at the promotion of new, responsible and sustainable practices.

What is GOPING?

The GOPING project is ambitious, inspiring and realistic. Our main objective is to limit the uncontrolled waste disposal in public places, to raise public environmental awareness, as we want to achieve tangible results for the benefit of the environment.

GOPING was first implemented in Greece, as a pilot program that develops novel, responsible and sustainable initiatives. Starting from collection and recycling processes, Polygreen collaborated with food and drink establishments at organized beaches along Attica’s coastlines.

How is the GOPING collection done?

It all starts with good mood and a desire to react.

The recycling process we have is simple and efficient. We make sure that our partners in beach bars have our specially designed ashtrays. Then, the beach bars provide the ashtrays to their customers to use as long as they enjoy their stay by the sea. Thus, the cigarette butts of those who smoke will not end up buried in the sand or around the sunbeds and will not swim with us in the sea. At the same time, we provide beach bars with special recycling bins. Then we collect all the cigarettes and butts and recycle them.

How are cigarette butts being recycled?

The collection and proper management of the butts is done by Polygreen, a completely integrated waste management company that uses innovative methods and cutting-edge technologies for their intelligent management. All cigarette butts after collection go through special treatment. Ash, smoke and paper are driven to management to produce compost. The filter, which is essentially plastic material, is processed through mechanical recycling and produces recycled ‘A material, which can be used as new construction material for various products.


Within 5 weeks (26/07/2020 – 31/08/2020), weekly events were organized at 65 Beach Bars in Attica Region beaches, aiming to inform visitors on GoPing.

Goping ambassadors highlighted the problem that arises from the uncontrolled disposal of cigarette butts in the environment and introduce to the public Polygreen’s innovative waste management techniques, following the collection of cigarette buttss. At the end of August over 514000 butts were collected from Attica beaches and more than 4.000.000 ltr of sea water was prevented from possible infection.

Do you want to learn more? Visit our website and stay tuned!